
Since its inauguration in 2012, at an accumulated investment of almost 50 million euro and boasting a 250-strong workforce, the Monzón factory’s performance has been positive indeed. The new investment - which will allow for expanding productive capacity by 25% and that is expected to be ready by the start of 2019 - points at the company’s positive business outlook, as the creation of 50 jobs in Monzón is expected during the period.

MTG has a highly varied demand for workforce and needs to fill positions ranging from operators to middle management. It is expected that posts will be available for process engineers, production engineers, in electro-mechanical maintenance, welders and lab technicians, for which in some cases, between 2 and 3 years’ experience is required.

The company is committed to attracting talent to the region, proof of which are the visits some schools organise to the plant, the objective being that of showing the students how the foundry works and what each of the productive process’ stages entails.

Last week, students of the Monzón Salesians’ training cycle specialising in Mechanizing and Electrical and Automatic Facilities visited the foundry, which is one of Europe’s most modern. According to Andrés Vilalta, a teacher at the department of mechanics in Monzón’s Salesian school, “the visit opens their eyes and allows them to catch a glimpse of what lies beyond the classrooms, in addition to propitiating a first contact with the employment market”.


MTG encourages students to visit the factory and to continue studying, and hopes that in the future, some of them will join the company, where they will continue to receive training and develop as high-level professionals thanks to the career prospects MTG offers its employees.

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