
With the new manuals page and a first of its kind welding video, MTG introduces two new service-oriented tools that provide our customers with much quicker and easier access to technical service instructions. The manuals page as well as the video are already available online. Have a look and let us know your opinion!

Discover all installations manuals online

The new manuals page mtgcorp.com/manuals of the MTG website lately contains assembly and disassembly instructions of all MTG product families. The public web page allows unlimited 24/7 access to get the up-to-date information needed as easily and quickly as possible. The manuals are divided into the two main categories “general” and “installation”, while an intuitive filtering system by type of lip or machine allows a quick orientation throughout all the GET solutions and manuals. Alternatively, a text search helps to find the desired manual. All documents will be available in 6 languages: English and Spanish are already available, while French, German, Portuguese, and Russian will follow stepwise.  

New Welding Video available

A highlight of the manuals page is the brand-new welding video about the central weld-on (WC) adapter. It’s the first of its kind video that offers detailed visualizations and instruction of the correct welding preparations and welding processes. A new way of learning complex work in addition to the written manuals.  

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