
MTG presents three new tooth designs for hydraulic excavators and loaders: AV (Abrasion-Vector), EV (Extra-Vector), and PR (Penetration-Rock). These new profiles offer enhanced flexibility to select the most suitable and efficient GET solution for your digging applications.

While the AV and EV are a combination of the existing A (Abrasion) and E (Extra) profiles with the V (Vector) tooth design, the PR represents an improved profile combining the former P (Penetration) and I (Impact) designs. All three new tooth designs are available as part of the next generation VEEMET tooth system. Additionally, the PR tooth design is also available for TWINMET size 1, which is suitable as plate or cast lip solution for medium-sized excavators.

Discover our new tooth profiles and let us know if we can be of help selecting the most efficient GET solution for your digging operations.


The AV tooth design for loaders provides an optimal balance of good penetration and resistance to abrasion. Among the loader tooth designs, it offers the best penetration capabilities in combination with medium resistance to abrasion making it ideal for applications in compact and abrasive terrains.


Combining elements of the E (Extra) and V (Vector) tooth profiles, the EV design for excavators offers superior penetration with medium resistance to abrasion and impacts. It offers better penetration than the E tooth design but offers more wear life compared to the V profile. This versatile design excels in compact, loose, or small-fragmented terrains with low to medium abrasion.


The PR tooth design is a completely new addition with a short, sharp profile, offering excellent penetration and high impact resistance. It's perfect for terrains with large fragments of nonabrasive blasted rocks or for special applications such as ripping or block breakage. The PR design is also available for TWINMET size 1, suitable for plate or cast lip solutions for medium-sized excavators.

Available for orders!

All three new tooth designs are now available for order in various sizes. Our customer service team will be happy to assist you and provide you with the latest information on stock availability and delivery times.

Reference overview of the AV, EV and PR tooth designs:







40 MV40AV* --- ---
50 MV50AV --- ---
60 MV60AV MV60EV MV60PR*
130 MV130AV MV130EV MV130PR
190 MV190AV MV190EV MV190PR
250 MV250AV MV250EV MV250PR*
500 MV500AV* MV500EV MV500PR*
TM1 --- --- MT1PR

* Reference will be available soon

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