
The “Triginer Boixeda” grants are aimed at children of employees, non-executive directors or descendants of MTG’s founder with outstanding academic records, and their objective is none other than providing financial help for graduate or postgraduate studies of any kind for students with outstanding academic records.

Since 2015, the date of the first call, 68 grants have been allocated at a total investment of €378,815. Already in 2022, there have been 12 beneficiaries of the grants, adding up to a total of €60,239. 

The “Triginer Boixeda” grants are aligned with the company’s Corporate Values, one of which is “Strive for excellence”, and they represent an outstanding opportunity for students with noteworthy academic records to continue their graduate or postgraduate studies. The grants are announced annually and evaluated by an Evaluation and Monitoring Committee, which is in charge of ensuring the correct functioning of the grants’ selection and assignment process.

Together with the “Grants for collaborators’ children”, which are general in nature and include primary, secondary and language studies, the “Triginer Boixeda” grants form part of a package of social benefits that the company places at the disposal of its employees.

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