
We are presenting a new reinforced mechanical shroud (wear cap) for sizes 120, 180 & 240 of the MTG Systems StarMet range. 

The new StarMet mechanical shroud is especially designed for applications with extreme conditions, with high impact and/or high compaction, where the standard MTG wear cap is susceptible to breakages.

MTG has developed this new mechanical shroud, considering those applications in which a compaction is produced in the guide areas between the adapter and the wear cap, opening the “legs” of the wear cap and leading to possible breakages.

This new mechanical shroud, reinforced in the top zone and on the radius, better resists the pressure caused by compaction inside the adapter guides, avoiding the “legs” from opening and reducing the possibility of breakages.

The part numbers of the reinforced mechanical shrouds in each size are: 4MA120M-A, 4MA180M-A & 4MA240M-A. These mechanical shrouds will coexist with the existing standard wear caps thus far, and can be used in combination with the WC central adapters of all thicknesses (for sizes 120, 180 & 240 respectively).

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