
MTG continues to expand its Monzón plant, which boasts the most innovative technological equipment in the casting sector, and whose objective it is to broaden the product range and expand to new markets. 

The positive results obtained, added to the overall acceptance of its MTG Systems DMet system, have prompted MTG to take the strategic decision of entering the dredging market, the objective being to become market leader in the high quality segment. MTG operates as a technological partner for dredging companies, and seeks improving productivity in dredging through innovation and by providing the very best technical and commercial support. 

MTG formed a specialised team to create a new productive section within its own facilities that started to operate during the course of 2015. After testing the results of its own MTG Systems DMet, the company decided to include cutter-heads in the selection in order to be able to offer its clients a comprehensive service including design, production, assembly and welding, as well as repairing the existing cutter-heads and changing the adapters, as required by the clients. 

MTG has ample experience in the metallurgical sector and a reputable R&D team. It places at the disposal of its clients a team of design engineers specialising in dredging, cutter-head design and teeth-adapter systems, in addition to metallurgical engineers who have overseen the creation of the new section. In this way, the facility is able to provide optimum welding conditions, minimising the hydrogen added during the process and ensuring that the temperature, heat input and warming and cooling are adequate for each type of material, having overcome stringent quality controls. 

Results have soon followed; 8 cutter-heads have already been delivered and 6 more are in the pipeline for next year, on order by three of the largest dredging companies in the world, as well as for the largest and most powerful cutter suction dredgers in existence. 

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