
The month of October 2016 was very intense for our colleagues in France, with two important trade fairs in the region, Artibat in Rennes and SIM in Grenoble.

MTG did provide support for two of its partners:  

At Artibat, one of the most important events for the construction sector in western France, MTG was represented at the stand by the dealer HIOT. They occupied a corner space where the dealer showed off the range of StarMet products for the construction industry through a small display, as well as graphic support.

SIM is the reference society meeting point for the mining industry, which is held every year in a different city in France. This year, MTG was present at the RAE stand, with a display containing StarMet and ProMet parts, as well as several MTG systems parts were showcased  in a product exhibition area. Also, MTG supported HIOT by providing them with graphical elements to help transmit the full bucket protection systems messaging. 

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