
New graphic material, including new catalogs, new flyers by sector/product and new posters, has boosted the innovation for which MTG is known throughout 2012.

It is now time to synthesize the basic elements of the communications used to promote different new materials, in such a way that the combination of all these elements will allow us to meet and satisfy the needs of all the markets in which MTG operates.

The norms established in this new brand book will enable MTG to have its own style of communication, positioning it in a practical, effective and harmonious way.

This new brand book constitutes the corporate pattern to be followed so that we all work by the same criteria when creating and developing MTG communications regardless of the working environment in which we find ourselves.

Our brand book is structured in the following way:

MTG Brand Book
VOL: 1. Definition of corporate image
VOL: 2. Corporate image applications VOL: 3. Graphic material for distributors



1.    Definition of corporate image

Description of MTG characteristics and positioning

Basic general lines of corporate image:

Origins and evolution of corporate logo

Chromatic versions

- Typography

- Conceptualization of corporate graphic lines.

- Structure of brands

- Special brands

2.    Corporate image applications

Application of the corporate image in:

- Corporate graphic manuals: catalog, reference guide, product flyers, brochures, company presentations, publicity.

- POS material: corporate poster, stickers, corporate display.

- Stationery: letter headed paper, envelopes, business cards, dossier folders, postcards, labels, online, digital signature and communications.

3.    Graphic material for distributors (*)

Using our corporate image alongside that of the distributor.

(*) We can see many examples of good communication using the MTG image alongside the distributor's. Such communications are a great way of extolling the features and virtues of the products that MTG offers as well as the benefits of making these products available through our distribution network. Some of the images of materials proposed in the brand book are attached:MTG Brand Book

Materials on offer will soon be available to view at our website www.mtg.es . We will continue to keep you informed.

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