Benefits and Features
The self-sharpening tooth design combined with an increased wear material ratio offer the most efficient solution. The tooth deflectors protect the adapters from wear and extend their wear life, avoiding the need for adapters additional protection, like chocky bars or hard facing. As a consequence your cutterhead’s repair and maintenance costs are reduced. The pin can be used several times, even in the most extreme conditions.
The stabilization in all load directions guarantees the reliability of the entire system. The tooth-adapter contact surfaces are orientated according to the direction of the main forces, allowing better load distribution.
The hammerless locking solution makes tooth assembly and disassembly easier, safer and faster for the operators, reducing the machine's downtime. The vertical position of the pin facilitates the access to it and avoids pin loss during tooth replacement.
The smooth system design allows material to flow towards the inside of the cutterhead, increasing its suction efficiency and productivity. The optimal functioning of the system reduces the vibrations of the dredger while the increase of the tooth wear material and the durability of the adapters reduce the cost/m³.
Tooth Designs
A range of 4 Tooth Designs and 3 sizes are available within the DMET Teeth Product Family.
Designs are here presented from the ones suited for harder terrains on the left to the ones suited for smoother terrains on the right.
We help you to choose the right combination of Design and Size to achieve the maximum productivity for your Cutterhead and Dredger. -
Adapters Designs
We have developped 3 Designs available in 3 Sizes for left or right rotation:
> The Tube Design TBL (for left rotation) or TBR (for right rotation) adapted to rock terrain.
> The Wing Design WIL (for left rotation) or WIR (for right rotation) adapted to sand&clay terrain.
> The weld-on Design WNL (for left rotation) or WNR (for right rotation) for backring. -
Video - DMET easy, fast and safe assembly and disassembly
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MTG SYSTEMS / DMET dredging in rock terrain
Maximum productivity and reliability with DMet. Cutterhead designed and manufactured by MTG with DMet. -
MTG SYSTEMS / DMET dredging in limestone
MTG's products offer maximum reliability and increased the productivity.

Dredgers Types
MTG provides solutions for dredging equipment. Select your dredger to find the best wear protection systems for your cutterhead, draghead or bucket.
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ПодробнееMTG SYSTEMS / TWINMET for Grab Dredger bucket in Singapur
Increased production thanks to MTG solution combined with an excellent MTG service which allow us to meet the project deadlines.
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