Benefits and Features
High performance
We pay special attention to high-quality design and manufacturing of our cutterheads as they largely define the performance of the dredger and we want our customers to get the optimal one.
Tailor-made solutions
We customize each cutterhead according to our customers specific needs taking into account the application, the dredger specifications and the project requirements.
Specialized team
At MTG we offer worldwide technical services for cutterheads, both on-site and in our facilities, which have the latest technology. Our customers can also benefit from dedicated training from our engineers.
Premium Steels
MTG Steels are specifically designed to withstand the highest levels of mechanical stress when operated. Our long tradition in the production of high quality steels along with the support of leading international experts allow us to meet the specific needs of our customers.
CUTTERHEADS Range Overview
for Rock terrains
Option 1/3Equipped with MTG SYSTEMS / DMET Tube adapters -
for Sand & Clay terrains
Option 3/3Equipped with MTG SYSTEMS / DMET Wing adapters
Option 1/3
for Rock terrains
Equipped with MTG SYSTEMS / DMET Tube adapters
Nº of Arms: from 5 to 8
Terrain: soft to very strong rock (up to 100 MPa)

Option 2/3
for Rock terrains
Equipped with MTG PLUS
Nº of Arms: from 5 to 6
Terrain: soft to very strong rock (up to 100 MPa)

Option 3/3
for Sand & Clay terrains
Equipped with MTG SYSTEMS / DMET Wing adapters
Nº of Arms: between 5 and 6
Terrain: Sand & Clay

It's not what we say, but what our customers say about us.
MTG CUTTERHEADS dredging in rock terrain
Maximum productivity and reliability with DMet. Cutterhead designed and manufactured by MTG with DMet. -
MTG PLUS dredging in rock terrainExceptional results and quality wear parts.

Dredgers Types
MTG provides solutions for dredging equipment. Select your dredger to find the best wear protection systems for your cutterhead, draghead or bucket.
Other Solutions for Dredgers
MTG offers a wide range of solutions. Select a product family to find out more details.
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Я имею честь довести до Вашего сведения, что в этом году компания MTG запускает программу реализации условий Парижского соглашения об изменении климата.
ПодробнееMTG SYSTEMS / TWINMET for Grab Dredger bucket in Singapur
Increased production thanks to MTG solution combined with an excellent MTG service which allow us to meet the project deadlines.
Подробнее*Бренды, обозначенные звездочкой, не принадлежат METALOGENIA S. A., и данная организация обращается к ним только для определения предназначения своей продукции, без каких-либо отношений между METALOGENIA S. A. и законными владельцами любых таких брендов.